Oct. 5, 1970: Joe Lives On His New Bike

Originally published in The Vidette-Messenger of Porter County on October 5, 1970.

Joe Lives On His New Bike

CHESTERTON 一 Young Joe Winter practically lives on his new bicycle since he threw his crutches away.

Joe, 10, the youngest of six sons of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Winter, 2501 Riverview Dr., was restricted in normal boy activities for two years while he used crutches because of perthes disease, a disease of the hip bone.

His leg was confined in a harness to prevent him from moving it during the two-year period.

His mother said the two years were difficult for Joe because he likes outdoor activities and was unable to join in many of his brothers’ activities.

When the doctor recently told Joe he could discard the crutches and resume some activities, his parents bought him a new bicycle. While Joe can’t yet do a lot of running, he can, besides riding the bike, continue to participate in swimming, which he has been doing at the Valparaiso YMCA Center.

Joe’s mother said since he has been swimming at the Y, her son has become an excellent swimmer.

Joe’s classmates at Bailly Elementary School, where he attends fifth grade, celebrated the throwing away of crutches by holding a weiner roast last week.